Monday, July 20, 2015

Hand Washing Clothes

Let me introduce you to a word. The word is trunky. It's what you call a missionary who gradually starts thinking more and more about home rather than the mission. Typically this occurs in missionaries who are about to finish. I'm killing my companion (aka, she's finishing the mission) She's not been trunky at all it's been fantastic!... and then we got to this week. The elders told her to pack her suitcases so that they could come by and weigh them. She's not trunky but you can tell she's ready to go home. Like, her work is done here. She leaves Sunday and I don't get a new comp until wednesday so I have to find a ward member to stay with or other missionaries.

I'm pretty sure that I threw my pensionista into a shock when I told her that I wanted to learn how to hand wash clothes and that we have machines to wash clothes in the US..... I learned though! I handwashed my own clothes this week and felt super accomplished.

Saturday Renzo was baptized! He's a 9 year old with less active parents but he attends church faithfully every week with his cousins. He's typically a quiet, shy kid but the day of his baptism he was the happiest person ever! It was fantastic!

I love you all so much and I pray for you every day!

Love, Hermana Blanca

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your happenings. Keep up the good work. I love the pictures and I am sure you are a fantastic missionary!
